Tag: behavior

Finding Your Kids’ Currency – What Motivates Them?

I’m not a psychologist (although I am certified to teach psychology), but I love to study human nature. Eleven years spent teaching teenagers and...

My Kid is Not Stupid

  Fair warning that this blog post might be half rant and half helpful. I'd also LOVE your comments and opinions on the matter as...
The Day I Needed a "Safe Word" for My Child

The Day I Needed a “Safe Word” for My Child

Last Sunday was undeniably the worst day yet of my parenting career. My husband was away on military duty, and my family was in town....

Mommy Always Says Yes (Breaking the Cycle)

My husband didn’t take it personally. Our 2.5-year-old toddler said, “I don’t like my Daddy.” Not just once or twice, but three days straight of...