What Daylight Saving Time Reminds Us To Do: Beyond The Loss of Sleep


Here we are again, Mama. It’s time to spring those clocks forward as Daylight Saving Time hits us again. 

While the main focus is typically “What do I do with bedtime?” (don’t worry, we will cover that!) we also want to take this time to remind you of some pretty important safety checks you can do during each Daylight Saving Time. Since it happens twice a year, it’s a great time to focus on your safety preparedness, and teach your children about safety as well. 

Fire Safety

  • Check the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace any expired units and test the alarms on working detectors. 
  • For a brochure on Smoke Detectors from Richmond Fire Prevention, click here.
  • Test the alarms and teach your children what the sound means. Review your family’s fire safety plan and practice the steps together.
  • Not sure how to make a Fire Escape Plan? Click here to download Richmond Fire Prevention’s guide. 

Hurricane/Severe Weather Safety

  • Check the power and condition of your generators (if applicable)
  • Build a Severe Weather Preparedness Kit. See NOAA for details on how to build your family’s own kit.
  • Role play with your children on where to seek shelter in your home, or use this guide from NOAA on how to find the safest place.

Car Safety

  • Create a car safety kit, or replace expired items in your current kit. 
  • Use this guide from DMV.org to create your car kit, or decide if a pre-made kit is right for you.
  • Discuss the importance of car seat safety with your children, and if necessary have a local Richmond Fire Station check the installation of your car seats. 

Household Safety 

  • Check the location of hazardous and toxic household items. If they are within arms reach, find a safe place to store out of children’s reach. 
  • Follow these steps from America’s Poison Control Center to ensure your home is posion-proof.
  • Check and discard expired medications (properly, please).
  • Check and replace as necessary cabinet locks (if applicable), outlet covers, broken/cracked glass, etc.   
  • Replace batteries in other household items: remotes, irrigation timers, clocks, outdoor lights, thermostats, etc. (Dispose of properly, please)
  • Check and replace lightbulbs outside 

Now that your house is in order, let’s talk about the little ones WITHIN your safe and secure home. 

If your child is a habitual early morning riser, this time change will help! There are two ways to go about this: 1) cold turkey time change or 2) slow progression

Cold Turkey: Jump Right In!

  • Don’t do anything on Saturday night. Wake up on Sunday, and go straight into the new time!
  • It will take your kiddo some time to adjust, but this is most ideal for kids on one or no nap.

 Split the Difference: Forward by 30 Minutes

  • Don’t do anything on Saturday night, and wake up “normal” time on Sunday. Have some coffee, then change the time forward. 
  • As you go about the day and deal with nap times, use the new time but push their naps forward by 30 minutes. 
    • For example: If your baby naps 9:30am and 2pm, put them down at 10am and 2:30pm. 
    • To their bodies it feels 30 minutes earlier than they are used to, but helps them adjust to the new time. 
  • At bedtime, push forward 30 minutes as well. The bedtime will feel 30 minute earlier, but if you put them down at the new time they might not be ready as it feels an hour earlier than usual. 
  • After 4-5 days your child should be adjusted back to normal. Some sleepers might take a week, and that’s okay too. 

For more on Daylight Savings, see our Sponsor Little Z’s Sleep Consulting

What other “to-dos” would you add for the Daylight Saving Weekend?